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1)Tian, P., X. Cao, L. Zhang*, N. Sun, T. Logan, J. Shi, Y. Wang, Y. Ji, Y. Lin, Z. Huang, T. Zhou, Y. Shi, R. Zhang, 2017, Aerosol vertical distribution and optical properties over China from long-term satellite and ground-based remote sensing, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17: 2509-2523.
2)Li, X., L. Zhang*, X. Cao, J. Quan, T. Wang, J. Liang, J. Shi, 2016, Retrieval of precipitable water vapor using MFRSR and comparison with other multisensors over the semi-arid area of northwest China, Atmospheric Research, 172–173: 83-94.
3)Tian, P., X. Cao, L. Zhang*, H. Wang, J. Shi, Z. Huang, T. Zhou, H. Liu, 2015, Observation and simulation study of atmospheric aerosol nonsphericity over the Loess Plateau in northwest China, Atmospheric Environment, 117: 212-219.
4)Liang, J., L. Zhang*, Y. Wang, X. Cao, Q. Zhang, H. Wang, B. Zhang, 2014, Turbulence regimes and the validity of similarity theory in the stable boundary layer over complex terrain of the Loess Plateau, China, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 119: 6009-6021.
5)Cao, X., J. Liang, P. Tian, L. Zhang, X. Quan, W. Liu, 2014, The mass concentration and optical properties of black carbon aerosols over a semi-arid region in the northwest of China, Atmospheric Pollution Research, doi: 10.5094/APR.2014.069.
6)Tian, P., X. Cao, J. Liang, L. Zhang, N. Yi, L. Wang, X. Cheng, 2014, Improved empirical mode decomposition based denoising method for lidar signals. Optics Communications, 325, 54-59.
7)Cao, X., Z. Wang, P. Tian, J. Wang, L. Zhang, X. Quan, 2013, Statistics of aerosol extinction coefficient profiles and optical depth using lidar measurement over Lanzhou, China since 2005-2008, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 122, 150-154.
8)Quan, X., H.-L. Huang, L. Zhang, E. Weisz, X. Cao, 2013, Sensitive detection of aerosol effect on simulated IASI spectral radiance, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 122, 214-232.
9)Wang, H., L. Zhang, X. Cao, Z. Zhang, J. Liang, 2013, A-Train satellite measurements of dust aerosol distributions over northern China, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 122, 170-179.
10)Wang, J., L. Zhang, J. Huang, X. Cao, R. Liu, B. Zhou, H. Wang, Z. Huang, J. Bi, T. Zhou, B. Zhang, 2013, Macrophysical and optical properties of mid-latitude cirrus clouds over a semi-arid area observed by micro-pulse lidar, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 122, 3-12.
11)Wang, Z., L. Zhang, X. Cao, J. Huang, W. Zhang, 2012, Analysis of dust aerosol by using dual-wavelength lidar, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 12, 608-614.
12)Wang, Z., X. Cao, L. Zhang, J. Notholt, B. Zhou, R. Liu, B. Zhang, 2012, Lidar measurement of planetary boundary layer height and comparison with microwave profiling radiometer observation, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 5, 1965-1972.
13)Cao, X., L. Zhang, X. Quan, B. Zhou, J. Bao, X. Li, 2012, Lidar measurements for comparison of atmospheric aerosol extinction and scattering properties over Lanzhou, China, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 137, 256-261.
14)Bao, J., L. Zhang, X. Cao, J. Liang, J. Wang, 2012, Footprint analysis for turbulent flux measurements over complex terrain on the Loess Plateau of China, Advanced Material Research, 516-517, 910-916.
15)Zhou, B., L. Zhang, X. Cao, X. Li, J. Huang, J. Shi, J. Bi, 2012, Analysis of the vertical structure and size distribution of dust aerosols over the semi-arid region of the Loess Plateau in China, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 12, 6113-6143.
16)Zhang, L., X. Cao, J. Bao, B. Zhou, J. Huang, J. Shi, J. Bi, 2010, A case study of dust aerosol radiative properties over Lanzhou, China, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 10, 4283-4293.
17)梁捷宁, 张镭, 田鹏飞, 曹贤洁, 王宏斌, 闭建荣, 2014, 黄土高原复杂地形上边界层低空急流对近地层湍流的影响, 地球物理学报, 57(5): 1387-1398.
18)李燕军, 张镭, 曹贤洁, 岳芸, 史晋森, 2014, 兰州城市和远郊区黑碳气溶胶浓度特征, 中国环境科学, 34(6), 1397-1403.
19)田鹏飞, 张镭, 曹贤洁, 王瑾, 周碧, 王宏斌, 黄忠伟, 张武, 2013, 基于Fernald和Klett方法确定气溶胶消光系数边界值, 量子电子学报, 30(1), 57-65.
20)周碧, 张镭, 蒋德明, 曹贤洁, 隋兵, 2013, 利用激光雷达观测资料研究兰州气溶胶光学厚度, 干旱气象, 31(4), 666-671.
21)王腾蛟, 张镭, 张博凯, 曹贤洁, 王宏斌, 2013, 城市下垫面对河谷城市兰州冬季热岛效应及边界层结构的影响, 气象学报, 71(6), 1115-1129.
22)陈霖, 张镭, 张磊, 曹贤洁, 黄建平, 张武, 张北斗, 2012, 半干旱地区黑碳气溶胶和含碳气体特征及来源, 中国环境科学, 32(8), 1345-1352.
23)王瑾, 张镭, 王腾蛟, 鲍婧, 曹贤洁, 张北斗, 周忠玉, 2012, 兰州附近山谷典型日环流特征对比分析, 干旱气象, 30(2), 169-177.
24)张龙, 张镭, 王颖, 曹贤洁, 2012, 基于WRF不同边界层方案的黄土高原丘陵冬季地面气象要素日变化模拟分析, 30(2), 158-168.
25)刘瑞金, 张镭, 王宏斌, 曹贤洁, 黄建平, 闭建荣, 2011, 半干旱地区卷云特征的激光雷达探测, 大气科学, 35(5), 863-870.
26)王宏斌, 张镭, 刘瑞金, 张志薇, 曹贤洁, 2011, 中国地区两种MODIS气溶胶产品的比较分析, 高原气象, 30(3), 772-783.
27)周碧, 张镭, 曹贤洁, 韩霄, 张武, 冯广泓, 2011, 利用激光雷达资料分析兰州远郊气溶胶光学特性, 高原气象, 30(4), 1011-1017.
28)曹贤洁, 张镭, 李霞, 史晋森, 徐记亮, 黄建平, 张武, 2010, 张掖地区气溶胶吸收和散射特性分析, 高原气象, 29(5), 1246-1253.
29)李霞, 张镭, 曹贤洁, 2010, 2008年冬季兰州气溶胶辐射特性及地表辐射特征分析, 兰州大学学报(自然科学版), 46(5), 56-62.
30)曹贤洁, 张镭, 周碧, 鲍婧, 史晋森, 闭建荣, 2009, 利用激光雷达观测兰州沙尘气溶胶辐射特性, 高原气象, 28(5), 1115-1120.
31)权晓晶, 张镭, 曹贤洁, 王宏斌, 2009, 2007年兰州市冬季大气气溶胶光学厚度特性研究, 兰州大学学报(自然科学版), 45(3), 39-44.
6)干旱半干旱区地基综合观测和卫星遥感反演,编号2012CB955302,2012.01 - 2016.12,国家重大科学研究计划项目“全球典型干旱半干旱地区气候变化及其影响”第2课题的专题,参与
7)大气化学与气候的相互作用以及平流层对流层物质交换,编号41225018, 2013.01-2016.12,国家自然科学基金国家杰出青年科学基金项目,参与